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Glühwein and Christmas Time at Oldenburg's Lambertimarkt: Updated Regulations.

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

Image Source: NWZ Online

The Oldenburg's christmas market opened it's stands and streets to visitors under the observation of special rules, which have been further updated after the recent surge in infection cases. Continue reading to find out more about this years hygene concept and how you can still make your way to a warm cup of Glühwein!

Opening Times

The Lambertimarkt is open from Sunday to Thursday from 11 a.m. to 8.30 p.m, as well as on Fridays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.

Safety Measures

Important safety measures include wider paths (almost six meters in all places), an armband regulation for visitors who want to eat/drink at the market, and the definition of a maximum number of visitors at bars. If the maximum is reached, the bar is obliged to signal this with a red light. The entire christmas market is regularly controlled by the police and the Ordnungsamt.


Anyone who wants to go on a ride at the Lambertimarkt or wants to eat or drink something at the stands needs an armband (children and young people are excluded). The armbands are only issued to people who meet the 2G requirements, i.e. those who are vaccinated or recovered. The bands for people who have a negative test result will no longer be offered starting from Wednesday 24.11!

The armbands are made out of fabric and only need to be purchased once, for a fee of one euro. The fabric bands are valid for the entire Lambertimarkt (i.e. until December 22nd). The armbands are available at food and drink stands as well as at the rides. Other distribution points are the Oldenburg Tourismus und Marketing GmbH in Lappan (Lange Straße 3), the information stand on the Schloßplatz, the Lambertihof (Markt 22) and the Schloss (Schloßplatz 3).

There is also a mask mandate on the entire area of the market starting on Wednesday the 24rd. The only exception is during the consumption of food and drinks, and for kids younger than 6 years of age.

Stay safe and don't let your Glühwein get cold!

The HGAS team


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