We are HGAS
HGAS abbreviates 'Hochschulgruppe ausländischer StudentInnen'/ 'University Group of Foreign Students'
The HGAS represents the interests of all foreign students at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. Every foreign student automatically becomes a member of the HGAS through enrolment and has the opportunity to organise various events on the social, cultural and political situation of his/her home country within the framework of the HGAS.
ASV verkürzt 'Ausländischer Studierendenvertreter' / 'foreign student representative'
The ASV consists of elected student representatives of the HGAS who support the international community on various issues, e.g. organising events, giving legal advice, distributing important information and other general political and social matters.

Visiting Address
Raum M1 - 164
Asta Foyer
Uhlhornsweg 49 -55
26129 Oldenburg
HGAS - Hochschulgruppe
ausländischer StudentInnen
Carl von Ossietzky University
Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118
26129 Oldenburg
Postal Address

History of the HGAS
The university group was founded one year after the foundation of the University of Oldenburg as a small foreign group that met every Wednesday of the month. In this group, foreign students from the University of Oldenburg got to know each other and talked about their problems. Together they tried to solve existing problems. In 1976, the number of foreign students totalled 33. In 1978, when there were about 90 foreign students at the University of Oldenburg, the group became more organised and committed by organising several events (political, cultural). This year, the group was able to make appointments to look after foreign fellow students due to new spatial conditions. The group helped the foreign fellow students to find accommodation, communicate with other German and foreign fellow students, obtain any one-off grants made available to the group by the University of Oldenburg and deal with the authorities at all offices. In 1980, the group was recognised as a university group and the University Group of Foreign Students (HGAS) saw itself as the interest group of all foreign students on a study-related level. The interests of the foreign students were always represented by two elected representatives, who were elected once a year and were accountable to the HGAS. In 1982, the HGAS submitted a motion to the student parliament to recognise the HGAS as an organ of the student body at the C.v.O. University of Oldenburg. Uni Ol. After lengthy and tough disputes with the MSB and SHB, who opposed the implementation of the motion despite the approval of the University Assembly on 6 May 1982, the HGAS succeeded in having itself recognised as an organ of the student body (StuPa 27 April 1983). HGAS is a very heterogeneous group, both politically and culturally. Political groups can be active within the HGAS if they have an anti-fascist stance. Today, the HAGS works as an organ of the student body of the C.v.O. Uni Ol. It is represented by a council consisting of five foreign fellow students. These are elected once a year, parallel to StuPa elections, in a convened HGAS general meeting and can be recalled at any time in a properly convened general meeting requested by at least 10% of the members of the HGAS with a simple majority of the votes cast.
What does HGAS do?
The HGAS represents the interests of foreign students in all matters. Above all in matters relating to foreigners and work permits, but also in university policy issues specific to foreign students.
HGAS regularly advises and informs foreign students at Carl von Ossietzky University.
HGAS organises seminars and events on foreign policy issues.
HGAS supports foreign female students in their projects and events.
The interest group offers social counselling for foreign students and promotes relations between foreign and German students and citizens.
For example, legal counselling is provided for foreign students. A lawyer advises foreign fellow students on various residence and labour law issues