The latest conference of the ministers has set new Corona guidelines. These new guidelines are vaild from 08.03.2021-28.03.2021.
This time there are finally some good news for all of us: The ministers agreed on specific forms of relaxation in terms of the Corona measures last wednesday. However, those are just guidelines, with the final decisions being left to the localities, and the Ministers of Niedersachsen have indicated that we might take different routes than other states on a few areas.
In this article we will give you an overview of the central aspects of these changes, that might be relevant for you.
1. Corona Tests: Until the beginning of april the test capabilities should be improved - Meaning everyone should have the oppurtunity for at least one free (rapid) Covid test per week. If your result is postive, you would have to isolate yourself and do a (more reliable) PCR-test. We will inform you as soon as possible, if there are any news due to the testing situation in Oldenburg.
2. Vaccinations: From the second week of march some registerted doctors should be allowed to carry out Covid vaccinations. By the end of the month/beginning of april general practitioners should get the permission to carry out Covid vaccinations as well.
3. Store openings, hairdressing salons and restaurants: Flower shops, book stores and garden centers open on March 8th. Hairdressing salons are open since march the 1st. More plans for further openings have been indicated in the National guidelines: If the incidence rate in a region is under 50 for 7 days in a row, stores could possibly be allowed to open again (initially with a limitation of one customer per 10 m², then regularly after the 22nd of March, if the infection numbers maintain low). After the 22.03, restaurants could also possibly open in the outdoor areas, restricted to appointment service if the infection numbers are between 50 and 100. However, the Niedersachsen government has shown caution regarding these possibilities. According to Mr. Althusmann, the Niedersachsen Economy Minister, the local government will meet again in the time between the 8th and the 22nd to decide whether these and further openings will be possible with the aid of the implementation of the fast tests. So far, only the 'Appointment Shopping' (Terminshopping) has been confirmed, where some shops will be able to set individual appointments with clients, already starting on the 08th or March.
You can always check the 7-Day-Index for Oldenburg and other regions in Niedersachsen in this website.
4. Private meetings: The restrictions of private meeting have finally been eased up - You are allowed to meet with (up to) 5 people from one other household now. Meaning it is still only allowed that two households can meet, but more people. The Good news is that if the incidence rate is under 35 it could be possible to meet with (up to) 10 people out of three different households.
5. Face masks: Some of you probably already noticed that it is not compulsary anymore to wear a face mask in the whole city centre of Oldenburg. You only have to wear a face mask in all stores and in public transport, as well as in all enclosed rooms that are publicy available.
6. Campus life: You are able to order the books you need at the library of the university. This service is offered until the 31th of march. For more information have a look on the website of the BIS: BIS - Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem — Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (uol.de). The Mensa will keep its doors closed at least until the 28th of March, but they are planning to offer a Take-Away service to be offered soon! The Hochschulsport (University Sports) is offering online sport lessons, ranging from Yoga, Dance, Functional Training and more! You can find the link to register here.

Make sure to follow us on instagram @hgasuol, where we are constantly sharing updates!
7. Financial help for students: Students are still able to request financial help this month. You can apply for the financial support under the following link: Überbrückungshilfe für Studierende in pandemiebedingter Notlage (xn--berbrckungshilfe-studierende-06cf.de). If you need any help with the application, you can conatct us anytime.
8. Culture and Sports: Museums, Galleries, Zoos, Botanical Gardens and Memorials will be able to be visited starting on Monday the 8th, with half capacity and prior registry required. For practicing sports, Niedersachsen is once again taking the precaution route: initially, only individual sports with no contact can be performed, with a maximum of 5 people from two households, but that could also possibly change soon. In the mean time, make sure to take up those online sport classes we mentioned earlier! It is also a great time to go for a run, as the weather is slowly getting better. Make sure to not stop exercising!
There is finally some light at the end of the tunnel. Things are changing slowly but surely-Times are getting better soon! As always: If you need any support or if you have any questions don't hestitate to contact us via Email anytime: hgas@uol.de
Take care and stay healthy. We will you inform you as soon as they are any upcoming changes and new decisions.
Written by Sophie and Arthur