Auf Deutsch hier.
In response to the current ongoing war in Ukraine, a collection point has been set up in Oldenburg to receive and transport donated materials to the Ukrainian border. This collection point is at Cloppenburger Straße 273/275, 26133 Oldenburg, and will operate daily from 10:00-12:00 and 15:00-18:00 (Wednesday and Friday also 18:00-20:00, Saturday additionally 10:00-13:00). You can find more information at the website of the humanitarian action OldenburgHilftderUkraine (in German).
However, we are aware that many students, especially international students, do not have the mobility or access to transport to be able to bring their donations there. Therefore the HGAS Team is organising a collection point for donations in our HGAS office at the University, and we will then personally bring all donated items to the Cloppenburger Straße collection point for you.
HGAS Room M1-164
AStA Trakt - Mensa Ulhornsweg
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Uhlhornsweg 49-55
HGAS Collection Hours:
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 11:00 to 15:00
Here is an list of items that are needed:
UPDATE 02.03: Please do not donate anymore Food, Clothing, Diapers, Pillows, Covers, and Bed Linen, as those have been collected in sufficient amount.
Wet wipes
Toilet paper
Disposable gloves
Single-use cutlery and plates
Sleeping bags (washed)
Electricity generators
Thermal mats
Communication devices with standard batteries
Thermal underwear, warm clothes (washed)
Teddy bears and children toys
Bullet-proof safety vests
Extension leads, charging cables, powerbanks
Cardboard boxes
Printer ink and paper
Gas cookers/ hobs
Water (in plastic bottles!)
Wound dressings
Pain tablets
Disinfectant spray and gel (Antiseptics)
Broad-Spectrum antibiotics
Single-use gloves
First Aid kits
Vitamin tablets
Stretchers, crutches and bandages
Last update: 02.03
We will keep updating the lists with relevant items.
The most up-to-date list can always be found at oldenburghilftderukraine.de
Make sure to follow the group on Instagram @OldenburgHilftderUkraine
Please make sure everything is clean and sanitary, well packed and labelled!
Financial Donations
Johanniter Hilfsgemeinschaft Oldenburg
OLB Bank Oldenburg
IBAN: DE11 2803 0300 8785 0202 00
Spendenzweck "Ukraine-Hilfe"
This is a time to support and be there for each other, so please get interactive with us! If you have any ideas on how our team can further help the people in Ukraine, or make it easier for students in Oldenburg to provide help, we would be happy to hear from you (you can contact us via instagram @hgasuol or per email hgas@uol.de. We look forward to hearing your ideas!
If you or anybody you know is in a position to assist with packing / sorting of the incoming donations, please reach out to kontakt@oldenburghilftderukraine.de
We will keep you updated on the progress of the donations and collection points and any changes via this website and via instagram.