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Lower Saxony Relaxes Corona Restrictions from 24.02


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From Thursday, 24.02.2022 new eases to Coronavirus measurements will come into place in Lower Saxony, which will relax many of the restrictions in place. This is the first of three steps which will be followed in hopes of gradually removing all measures in place due to the pandemic, to be followed by more restrictions being eased on 04.03 and 19.03, as long as the infection numbers allow so.

So, which restrictions are being removed in the first step?

  • Vaccinated and recovered peeople are now allowed to meet in groups with no maximum limit to numbers

  • For unvaccinated people, the rule of meeting with one household plus two people from another household will remain in place.

  • For body-near services like hairdressers, barbers and cosmetic studios, proof of 3G must no longer be shown. This means that you no longer have to show your vaccination or recovery certificate, and unvaccinated people no longer have to prove a negative test result. An FFP2 mask must however still be worn.

  • In restaurants and at events, contact tracing is no longer obligatory. Customers can register will a QR-Code at their free will.

  • The indoor eating areas of restaurants will return to 2G rather than 2G plus. An FFP2 mask must still be worn.

  • Events with 2000 people are allowed both indoors and outdoors. Outdoor events can have a maximum limit of 25,000. and indoor events can have a limit of 6,000 people if the capacity does not go above 60%.

If these eases to restrictions prove to be succesfull and the corona situation allows so, further measurements will be eased on 04.03. It is planned that from this point, unvaccinated people will be allowed into restaurants and events with just a negative test, and discos and clubs will reopen.

Lower Saxony's Minister President, Stephan Weil, has however toned that these relaxations to restrictions are very much reliant on how the current situation progresses, and has said that continuing to wear a mask and following hygienic measures are still neccessary. If the situation worsens, new restrictions can and will have to be reintroduced if the situation calls for it.

We hope you stay healthy and happy during these times!

Your @HGAS Team


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