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New COVID Restrictions in Oldenburg starting 21.07


Source: Stadt Oldenburg

Starting from Wednesday, 21.07, some some restrictions are being restated in response to Oldenburg's rising incidence rate. The rules in different areas change if the incidence rate goes above 10, 35 and 50, so it is important to keep an eye on the current incidence rate of your area now and then. You can check Oldenburg's current incidence rate here.

So, what is changing?

  • Private gatherings are only allowed with groups of up 10 people. Children up to 14 years old, fully vaccinated people, and recovered people do not count towards the number.

  • At weekly Farmer's Markets you must wear a mask again.

  • Clubs and Discos may only be filled to 50% capacity. You need to show a negative test to enter, as before, but now you must again remain wearing your mask while inside.

  • At private parties such as weddings, a maximum number of 100 guests are allowed, regardless if they are vaccinated/recovered or not. A negative test is also required.

The current situation could change again quickly, and if it does, we will update you in the most informative way possible as soon as we can.

Stay safe!


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