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Warning Levels and 3G Rule - New Regulations in the State of Niedersachsen (25.08)

Image source: Stuttgarter Zeitung

In Niedersachsen the number of infections has been increasing for a few weeks. This Tuesday the 7-day incidence rate was at 41.6. The number of people in hospital in Niedersachen due to a coronavirus infection is currently a total of 180 People, of which 40 of them are being treated in an intensive care unit. The main reason for the comparatively quiet corona situation in the clinics and hospitals is due to the high number of completely vaccinated people in Niedersachen: 59.06 percent of the people are fully vaccinated. With the rise in number of vaccinated people, the local council of Niedersachsen has adapted some of its regulations to better suit the current situation. Read futher to find out the most important points!

New Indicators

The main changes include that, in the future, the average number of corona hospitalizations over 7 days per 100,000 residents, as well as the percentage of corona patients in intensive care units, will be taken as new indicators alonside the 7-day incidence rule. A new system of 'warning levels' will be used, which combies all 3 of these indicators. The following table will give you an idea of how these warning levels are described:

  • The maximum number of intensive care beds in Niedersachsen is 2,424 beds.

  • A district will reach a warning level when at least two of the three values ranges in the above table are met.

So, which warning level does Oldenburg have?

Oldenburg currently has a 7-day-incidence rate of 63,1 (you can check this here), but a hospitalisation rate of less than 6 and less than 5% of patients are in intensive care, meaning Oldenburg currently does not have a warning level. You can find more information on the warning levels in different areas here, but unfortunately it is only available in German.

The 3G Rule

In addition, the 3G rule will apply nationwide from August 25, 2021. Access to some facilities and events will thereafter only be possible with full vaccination, proof of recovery, or a test which is no older than 24 hours (for PCR tests this increases to 48 hours).

The 3G rule applies where either

  • Warning level 1 applies

  • or the incidence rate of 50 is exceeded by more than at least five days in the past seven days

The following groups of people must then be tested, vaccinated or recovered:

  • people who work in or want to visit hospitals, nursing homes and facilities for helping disabled

  • people who want to enter the interior of a restaurant

  • people participating in indoor cultural, sports or similar events (for example theatres, cinemas, museums, casinos, indoor sports games,....).

  • people who want to use any types of body-close services (for example opticians, hairdressers, tattoo studios, nail salons,cosmetic studios, driving schools, physiotherapy and similar practices)

  • people who want to practice sports indoors (for example fitness studios, swimming pools and sports centres).

  • people who wish to sleep overnight in a hostel.

Not affected by the 3G Rule are:

  • meetings, gatherings and events supported by legislation

  • religious events

  • meetings in connection with the exercise of a professional activity or an activity to avert danger, including training

  • vocational training and further education

  • events and meetings of the Niedersachen state parliament and the municipal agencies.

  • visits to canteens or Mensas as long as the employees serving food are employeed by the same establishment.

  • catering establishments in facilities of assisted living to care for the residents

  • restaurants at rest stops and truck stops on German motorways

  • food banks for people in need.

Some establishments such as clubs and bars may choose the '2G Rule' route, where they restrict access only to guests who have a vaccination certificate or can give proof of recovery .

For events (indoor or outdoor) with over 5,000 people, a special permit needs to be given. Events with over 25,000 people are not allowed.

Due to the high number of fully vaccinated people, many measures used during previous coronavirus outbreaks could be avoided, like strict contact restrictions, curfews in restaurants, and city curfews.


The general mask requirement still applies. A mask must now also be worn by people attending a private event in closed rooms, provided more than 25 guests are not vaccinated, not recovered or not tested. During events or in restaurants where visitors can be seated, the mask can be removed as long as a seat is occupied. If you don't sit down, you have to wear a mask. This also applies in a club, shisha bars or similar establishments.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of all points outlined in the new regulations, and we will update you as soon as possible if something should change. We understand that many people may have questions regarding this, so please feel free to send us an E-Mail or message us via Instagram at any time!

Stay safe,


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