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We Tested the Mensa Take-Away Service

Have you missed the feeling of walking up those stairs to the sweet smell of pommes and ketchup? Have you been dreaming for weeks about Linseneintopf and Schweinerückensteak? For some weeks now the Mensa in Uhlhornsweg has been offering a take-away service, and today we decided to put it to the test!

Take Away: What do I need to know?

  • Firstly and most importantly, the golden rule still applies: Keep your distance, wash your hands and wear your mask (Both medical and FFP2 masks are fine)!

  • Payment with your CampusCard or in cash.

  • You must be at least 50 meters away from the Mensa before you can enjoy your food. Eating inside the premises is forbidden.

  • For the Mensa in Uhlhornsweg you must book an appointment for collection beforehand. You can do this here.

  • The Mensa in campus Wechloy is currently not operating a take-away service, but you can get a take-away from the Cafeteria (Mondays to Fridays 10:00 - 13:30).

A Step-By-Step walk through the process

  1. Go to and reserve a spot for the day and time you wish to visit the Mensa and collect your food. Then press weiter (continue).

2. You will then have to enter your personal information, like name, address and an E-Mail address. The Mensa will then send a verification code to the E-Mail address you typed in (marked here in red). After you have recieved this code, you can enter it into the red area under Verifizierungscode (verification code).

3. After pressing jetzt anfordern (request now) you will receive a QR Code to the E-Mail address you typed in previously. When you go to the Mensa, there will be a very friendly Mensa employee standing in front of the steps to whom you must show this QR Code to. They will then scan the code and let you go upstairs.

4. Almost finished! Now you're upstairs and can smell the wonderful crispy pommes. Here are the final steps.

You must walk up to the serving counter as usual, and tell the person which food you would like. The person behind the counter will put your food in a green bowl with a lid to keep it warm. There is a €5 deposit for this bowl. After this, you must pay for your food and the bowl, and then you can go outside and enjoy your food! Simply bring the bowl back later to get back your deposit.

IMPORTANT: The Mensa does not provide cutlery for you to eat with. Therefore we recommend you bring some with you from home before you arrive at the Mensa. We learned this the hard way and spent 30 mins on a wild search for forks in the supermarkets around the Uni. Don't repeat our mistake ;)

You can find the Mensa's menu for each day here .

Guten Apetit!

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